Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Colors of Spring

The Colors of Spring
Originally uploaded by jomak14
Just a splash of color from the backyard to liven up the day. It's a gray and rainy day here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Hope your Saturday is drier than ours!

Pentax-M 50mm f/1.4 on a G2
[ 0.002 sec (1/640) | f/1.4 | FLength 50 mm | ISO 100 | Manual exposure ]

Friday, April 22, 2011

University Barge Club (#7 - 8 Kelly Drive)

University Barge Club was founded by ten members of the University of Pennsylvania’s freshman class in 1854. The founders of the Club first rowed out of a boathouse near the Fairmount Water Works on the Schuylkill know simply as Charlie’s boathouse.

EF 135mm f/2 L on a 1Ds
[ 1/5000 sec | f/2.0 | FLength 135 mm | ISO 100 | +1/3 EV ]

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Spring Day In Philly

Who could resist a gorgeous Spring day? I surely could not! As lunch time came about, I laced up my running shoes and went for a run.  All images were captured through an LG GR500 Camera Phone.

Here is the route I took and some images of what I saw along the way. 
RunKeeper screenshot

N. Lambert St. is shrouded in pink
The Cira Center
30th Street Station
The Rocky Statue
Geese along the Schuylkill River Trail
The best way to explore Philly
Eakins Oval with the Art Museum in the background

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pear Blossoms

Pentax-M 50mm f/1.4
Camera Model Name    DMC-G2
Shooting Date/Time    4/17/2011 5:29:30 PM
Tv (Shutter Speed)    1/4000
Av (Aperture Value)    1.4
ISO Speed    100
Manual exposure

Pentax-M 50mm f/1.4
Camera Model Name    DMC-G2
Shooting Date/Time    4/17/2011 5:27:02 PM
Tv (Shutter Speed)    1/1000
Av (Aperture Value)    1.4
ISO Speed    100
Manual exposure

Pentax-M 50mm f/1.4
Camera Model Name    DMC-G2
Shooting Date/Time    4/17/2011 5:27:55 PM
Tv (Shutter Speed)    1/1600
Av (Aperture Value)    1.4
ISO Speed    100
Manual exposure

Reverse-mounted Pentax-M 55mm f/2 + 68mm extension tubes
Camera Model Name    Canon EOS 30D
Shooting Date/Time    4/17/2011 5:54:14 PM
Tv (Shutter Speed)    1/250
Av (Aperture Value)    8.0
ISO Speed    200
Flash On Manual Mode @ 1/128 power
Manual exposure


Originally uploaded by jomak14
A cool nifty camera the G2 is indeed! I got it with the 14-42mm kit zoom lens for my daughter to use on the GF1.

Pentax-M 55mm f/2 on a 30D
[ 0.013 sec (1/80) | f/8 | FLength 55 mm | ISO 100 | Manual exposure | Off-camera strobe ]

Read more about it here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stopping For Coffee

Stopping For Coffee
Originally uploaded by jomak14
Advertising posters wrapped around structural columns at Suburban Station's Concourse level make for fascinating juxtapositions of contrast.

Cosina 55mm f/1.2 on a G2
[ 0.01 sec (1/100) | f/1.2 | FLength 55 mm | ISO 400 | Manual exposure ]

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sweetness To Attract

Sweetness To Attract
Originally uploaded by jomak14
Reverse-mounted Pentax-M 55mm f/2 + 68mm extension tubes on a 30D
[ 0.004 sec (1/250) | f/5.6 | FLength 55 mm | ISO 200 | Manual exposure | On-camera strobe ]

The Riverfront At Penn's Landing

Originally a black & white image captured on film. Negative was scanned onto CD and digitally edited using Canon's Digital Photo Professional. Here's a link to the original: