Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NYC Cab Facts

NYC Cab Facts by jomak14
NYC Cab Facts, a photo by jomak14 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Hailing a cab is as simple as stepping off the curb and holding out your arm -- it only gets complicated when you need to figure out why many New York taxis seem to drive by without stopping for you. The trick is in the lights atop the cab.
• When just the center is lit, highlighting the medallion number, the cab is available.
• When the medallion number, as well as the side lamps are lit, the cab is off-duty.
• When no lights are lit, the cab already has a fare they are bringing to a destination.
~ gonyc.about.com/a/taxi.htm

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[ 1/8000 sec | f/2.8 | Focal Length 80 mm | ISO 400 | Manual exposure ]

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